1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

Jun 5, 2022    Pastor Steve Feden

"I Want More" - 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

If you think hard enough, I am sure you can think of something you want more of. Can you think of something? Maybe it's not hard at all? Is there a part of you that feels like wanting more of something is a bad thing? In the days of affluent America, don't we already have enough? Maybe.....

Of course the Bible speaks clearly about covetousness and contentment, especially when we talk of material things. But is could wanting more of some things be a good thing? Are there some areas we should never be content with? I think so.

But don't take my word for it! In this last section of 1 Thess 3, Paul wants more. He wants more for Himself and for the people in Thessalonica. He wants them to have more for themselves as well. In fact, this is what he prays for them -- that they would have more! And not just a little more, but a lot more. His pray is in a form of speech that expresses a strong desire or wish. "Oh, I wish you guys could have more!"

The real question is.....more of what????? What does Paul want more of? What does he want them to have a lot more of? Isn't that a great question? Are you curious?

Then you will have to......

.....View and See!
