The Daily Bible

In 2025 we will be studying through a chronological Bible called the Daily Bible! 

Men's Day Retreat

All Calvary Chapel men are invited to a two-night retreat at Eagle Eyrie, the premier retreat center in Virginia! Ages 17 to 120 are welcome! 

Truth Project

A new session of the Truth Project is starting Sunday February 9th. Sign up at the button!


Are you interested in getting baptized? Fill out the form at the button to notify Pastor Steve. He will reach out to you after you fill out the form.


Are you wanting to dedicate your baby during a Sunday morning service? Click the button and fill out the form to notify Pastor Steve and Pastor Tom. They will reach out to you once the form is submitted.


Looking to contact someone you met at church? Request to join our online password-protected directory by visiting the welcome table on a Sunday morning to get connected and stay in touch with our congregation!


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