We host a kindergarten class lead by Darlene Parks Colón!
Here you can find links and important summary information that all families interested in attending will need to know. There is much more information to come, so please be patient with us as we slowly plan, organize, and bring about this exciting new ministry of the church!
Here you can find links and important summary information that all families interested in attending will need to know. There is much more information to come, so please be patient with us as we slowly plan, organize, and bring about this exciting new ministry of the church!

About Darlene
Darlene has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Hyles-Anderson College and has been teaching in a Christian school for twenty-eight years. She brings love, joy, laughter, and enthusiasm into her classroom. Her goals for each of her students are to know Christ personally, to become a confident reader, a strong writer, and a curious learner.
She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior over 35 years ago, and she receives immense joy and satisfaction when she leads someone to Christ. She was married to her late husband Dan for 21 years before his accident in 2008. The Lord blessed them with three amazing children. In 2013, Darlene started a GriefShare group at Calvary Chapel Fluvanna and has been leading a group since. In May of 2019, she married Peter Colón. Together they lead GriefShare and DivorceCare.
She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior over 35 years ago, and she receives immense joy and satisfaction when she leads someone to Christ. She was married to her late husband Dan for 21 years before his accident in 2008. The Lord blessed them with three amazing children. In 2013, Darlene started a GriefShare group at Calvary Chapel Fluvanna and has been leading a group since. In May of 2019, she married Peter Colón. Together they lead GriefShare and DivorceCare.
· The 2024/2025 school year will start Monday, August 5th.
· The school week will be Mondays through Thursdays from 8:00am to 3pm. No school on Fridays unless we meet as a make-up day due to cancelations (from inclement weather, etc...).
· There will be no before school or after school care offered.
· Upfront fees for enrollment include a $25 registration fee and $350 classroom materials fee (both non-refundable).
· Tuition for this school year is $4200. Payments can either be made up front, per semester, or on a monthly basis.
· We have a beautiful large new playground for the children to enjoy!
· There will be no mask or vaccine requirements for children who attend. We respect a family’s right to do what is best for them as they seek direction and leading from the LORD.
· Interested families must first email Pastor Tom (tom@ccfluvanna.com) to be added to the official waiting list and begin to receive forms and directions regarding next steps towards officially registering your child. Next, depending on grade level, prospective students may go through assessment screenings with a teacher in March through May, and parents will turn in all required registration papers and upfront fees before being admitted into the school.
Please pray for the LORD to guide and bless as we seek to only do His good and perfect will and bring Him glory through this vital ministry to His precious little ones and their families! God Bless!