

Donations provided online work in the same way as directly giving in the offering boxes at church. Unless you select a unique fund below, any monies given online will be transferred into our general fund account and are 501(c)3 tax deductible, in the same way as physical check and cash giving. You have the ability to give via any major credit/debit cards and can also make direct payments from a bank account using the form below.

If you want to set up a recurring donation note the options shown below for weekly, monthly, every other week, and twice a month.

NOTE: If you select “Other” below to give for a special purpose, please provide the purpose in the comment field provided when finalizing your gift on the next page.  If you do not provide any additional information, your donation will go to CCF’s general fund.


You can also give by sending a check to:
Calvary Chapel Fluvanna, PO Box 236, Palmyra, VA 22963