CCF is an “elder-led” church. The congregation does not vote on church decisions, nor does the lead pastor call the shots. The elders of the church (spiritual men who have longstanding relationships with God and have demonstrated integrity over years of service) are responsible for guiding the life of the fellowship. These leaders take seriously their accountability to God and to the church as a whole. Although you may not have a vote, the pastors, elders, and ministry leaders do encourage your input – your ideas, concerns, and encouragements. We can arrange a time, perhaps over coffee or lunch, to hear what’s on your heart.

Steve Feden
Email: steve@ccfluvanna.com
About Steve
"Life with God is an adventure! I was perfectly content working as a farrier and thought that I would grow old in that trade. 'God, I will gladly teach a Bible study, but don’t make me be a pastor.' It became clear that God had other plans."
Pastor Steve has been the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fluvanna since the fellowship began in 2003. He came into ministry after working as a horseshoer (farrier) for 13 years. Through the influence of CSN radio and the various Calvary pastors who have radio ministries, Pastor Steve began to recognize a calling in his own life. After attending Calvary Chapel Charlottesville and assisting with their 2-3 year old Sunday school, Pastor Steve started Calvary Chapel Fluvanna. Steve lives in Fluvanna County with his wife, Helga.
Pastor Steve has been the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fluvanna since the fellowship began in 2003. He came into ministry after working as a horseshoer (farrier) for 13 years. Through the influence of CSN radio and the various Calvary pastors who have radio ministries, Pastor Steve began to recognize a calling in his own life. After attending Calvary Chapel Charlottesville and assisting with their 2-3 year old Sunday school, Pastor Steve started Calvary Chapel Fluvanna. Steve lives in Fluvanna County with his wife, Helga.

Warren McIvor
Email: warren@ccfluvanna.com
About Warren
Warren surrendered his life to Jesus in 1971 and has been involved in ministry one way or the other ever since. He has attended CCF since 2005 and came on staff originally to oversee outreach ministries and help with youth. As our church has grown Warren’s job has increasingly become one of administration and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the church.
He and his wife Diane live at Lake Monticello. They have 10 grown kids and 17 grandkids.
He and his wife Diane live at Lake Monticello. They have 10 grown kids and 17 grandkids.

Dave Blaha
Email: blaha@ccfluvanna.com
About Dave
“Knowing and accepting Christ has given me a clarity and peace I never thought was possible and He has transformed my life in many seen and unseen ways. God has always given me a deep desire to teach Truth to older youth, and there is no more fundamental Truth than Christ. Sharing with youth that a person can live a happy and exciting life under Grace, love the Lord and other people, and obey His commandments without being legalistic... there is no greater joy.”
Dave taught high school history for 20 years, but considered the relationships he developed while coaching high school football and track to have been the biggest blessing of that time in his life. “The other coaches and athletes, they become like family. It can be, in the best of circumstances, a glimpse into the brotherhood found in a Christ-centered group of believers.” Dave is blessed with his beautiful wife, Amy, and together they have two sons, Brett and Brady.
Dave taught high school history for 20 years, but considered the relationships he developed while coaching high school football and track to have been the biggest blessing of that time in his life. “The other coaches and athletes, they become like family. It can be, in the best of circumstances, a glimpse into the brotherhood found in a Christ-centered group of believers.” Dave is blessed with his beautiful wife, Amy, and together they have two sons, Brett and Brady.

Tom Guthrie
Email: tom@ccfluvanna.com
About Tom
Pastor Tom and his family came to Calvary Chapel Fluvanna in August of 2010 after serving almost five years on staff at Calvary Chapel Fort Wayne Indiana. Before God called him into full-time church ministry, Tom worked as a high school teacher and an athletic coach, a volunteer in children’s ministries, and an adult home bible study leader.
In hearing the awesome verse-by-verse Biblical teaching on CSN radio, the LORD put a burning desire in Tom’s heart to see the Spirit of God, through the Word of God, change the hearts of His people for His glory.
Tom and his wife Marci live in Fluvanna County, and are blessed by the Lord with their two grown daughters (Kailyn and Madalyn), two sons-in-law (Tegan and Brian), and 4 sweet grandchildren!
In hearing the awesome verse-by-verse Biblical teaching on CSN radio, the LORD put a burning desire in Tom’s heart to see the Spirit of God, through the Word of God, change the hearts of His people for His glory.
Tom and his wife Marci live in Fluvanna County, and are blessed by the Lord with their two grown daughters (Kailyn and Madalyn), two sons-in-law (Tegan and Brian), and 4 sweet grandchildren!

Phil Estes
Email: estesp@fastmail.us
About Phil
Phil and his family moved to the Fluvanna area in 2006 and immediately began attending Calvary Chapel Fluvanna. He has served CCF for many years, including the role of a worship leader and an Elder. He is first and foremost a man who loves God and is personally submitted to Him.
He has been blessed with a Godly wife, Margaret, and together they have had a houseful of children (5 to be exact).
He has been blessed with a Godly wife, Margaret, and together they have had a houseful of children (5 to be exact).

Anthony Capps
Email: cappsanthony@aol.com
About Anthony
Anthony came to Calvary Chapel in 2016 looking for a breath of fresh air. His willingness to serve the Lord lead him to volunteer as one of our Sunday morning greeters, which paved the way to his becoming our newest Elder. He has a big heart and a genuine love for the Lord and the truthfulness of His Word.

Mark Brennan
Email: markbrennan62@gmail.com
About Mark
Mark and his wife Lisa seek to live out their lives guided by the two great commands: to love the LORD with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Mark served as a Marine Corps officer for 27 years, living with his family in places around the world, including Japan and Hawaii. He now works in his second career as a math teacher for Fluvanna County Public Schools. He and his family moved to the area in 2017 when they began attending Calvary Chapel.
Mark and Lisa have been married for 33 years, and have eight children and eight grandchildren. They have a heart for ministering to hurting people, and especially parents of prodigal children. In times of trial and difficulty, they remember God’s promise in their family’s life verse, Romans 8:28 – “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Mark served as a Marine Corps officer for 27 years, living with his family in places around the world, including Japan and Hawaii. He now works in his second career as a math teacher for Fluvanna County Public Schools. He and his family moved to the area in 2017 when they began attending Calvary Chapel.
Mark and Lisa have been married for 33 years, and have eight children and eight grandchildren. They have a heart for ministering to hurting people, and especially parents of prodigal children. In times of trial and difficulty, they remember God’s promise in their family’s life verse, Romans 8:28 – “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Bill Flathers
Email: bill.flathers@me.com
About Bill
Bill became a believer shortly after graduating from college, and over the years the Lord has cultivated his interests in discipleship, marriage and family relationships, and foreign missions. He married his college sweetheart, Jeni, over 40 years ago, and they have five adult children and eight grandchildren.
Bill, Jeni, and their youngest son, Patrick, live on a farm in Palmyra.
Bill, Jeni, and their youngest son, Patrick, live on a farm in Palmyra.

Ken Deneault
Email: kdeneault6@hotmail.com
About Ken
“Jennifer and I came to Calvary Chapel Fluvanna in 2017 and found a welcoming church family. I received salvation mid-life in 2000 and experienced the grace of God as a breath of fresh air. I gained a heart to share Jesus with others, and I am currently a Licensed Professional Counselor. I enjoy seeing and supporting the spiritual growth of others as they get to know who their God is, and who they are as Children of God. Jennifer and I have been married since 1991 and we have 4 adult children who have given us many opportunities to learn how to pray. I look forward to meeting each of you as we do life together.”

Stephen Cagle
Email: scagle@makco-inc.com
About Stephen
“I grew up in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. While attending Radford University I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and it was also there that I met my wife Ann. After graduation in 1989 and after marrying Ann later that summer | continued my career in Highway Construction, eventually coming to work for MAKCO, Inc. of Troy, VA in 1996. Ann and I moved to Lake Monticello in 2001 and after a trip to Israel with the CCF Family in 2015 we realized that we had a hunger for God's Word and was drawn to CCF by the focus on the Bible and the verse-by verse teaching.
God has blessed me in so many ways and looking back over the years I can see God's Hands always at work in my life. I have always held to the promise of Habakkuk 3:17-19.”
God has blessed me in so many ways and looking back over the years I can see God's Hands always at work in my life. I have always held to the promise of Habakkuk 3:17-19.”

Phillip Day
Email: phillip@dayelectricusa.com
CCF's hired staff are servants of God who tend the everyday needs of the church, whether it be cleaning the building, preparing meals, leading small groups, or helping wherever they are needed.

Debbie Johnson
Assistant to Lead Pastor
Email: debbie@ccfluvanna.com
Phone: 734-218-1717
About Debbie
Debbie and her husband Jim are natives of Michigan. They lived in South Florida for 7 years before moving to Palmyra Va in 2016. Soon after, they began attending Calvary Chapel Fluvanna. “We enjoy the teaching, fellowship and everything about Calvary Chapel.”
Debbie serves here at CCF as an assistant to the Lead Pastor. She also volunteers in the church kitchen.
Debbie serves here at CCF as an assistant to the Lead Pastor. She also volunteers in the church kitchen.

Liana Haseltine
Administrative Assistant
Email: office@ccfluvanna.com
Phone: (434) 589-3575
About Liana
Bio coming soon

Jason Luongo
Music Ministry Director, Financial Administrator
Email: jason@ccfluvanna.com

Koky Hodges
Women's Ministry Lead
Email: women@ccfluvanna.com
About Koky
Koky oversees the Women’s Ministries here at CCF. She’s a Virginia native and came to know the Lord in 1977. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in art education from Longwood University and 20+ years of education experience ranging from homeschooling to public school and private school administration. She has been involved in Women’s Ministry for over 20 years, where her love for God’s Word has opened doors for Bible study, teaching, and encouraging women in their faith.

Sandy Chenail
Women's Ministry, Events & Hospitality
Email: sandy@ccfluvanna.com
About Sandy
Sandy has been attending CCF since 2007 with her husband Mike and has been involved in women’s ministry here at the church for many years. She spent most of her adult life working in dentistry - both as a dental assistant and then office manager. She came on staff in October 2019 to work in women’s ministry full-time, and now she directs our events and hospitality ministries.

Gabi Dech
Homeschool Co-op Director
Email: gabi@ccfluvanna.com
About Gabi
Gabi moved to Fluvanna County with her husband and two children in 2006 and they have been attending Calvary Chapel Fluvanna since around 2015. She worked in educational settings including Seacamp (FL) and the New England Aquarium (MA), as well as worked as a free-lance classical musician performing in various ensembles in New England and Virginia. She has always enjoyed administrative work, having held various positions in that capacity over the years as well. More recently she worked as the Orchestra and Personnel Manager of the Waynesboro Symphony Orchestra, and she is excited to have been led by God to serve CCF as its Homeschool Co-op Director.

Shane Coogan
Youth Pastor
Email: shane@ccfluvanna.com
About Shane
“I came to Calvary Chapel Fluvanna when I was 10. I started going to a bible study with a few guys when I was 11. They were ages 13-14. They very quickly noticed that I had an addiction to video games. Specifically Call of Duty. I was home-schooled, and I regularly played for 8-10 hours a day after finishing my schoolwork.
One of the guys challenged me to a ten day fast from games based off the fast in the book of Daniel. I had to read the word whenever I would normally play. By day 11 I was allowed to play games again. I played for only 30 minutes! I got bored. I had started taking my faith very seriously for the first time. I had desire for God’s word which I had never really had before. The Lord used those friends of mine to wake me up Spiritually. I am very grateful for them.
I met my wife Shailynne at Calvary in 2014. We got married in 2020. Our daughter Abby was born in February 2023. I started on staff with Calvary Chapel in January 2024”
One of the guys challenged me to a ten day fast from games based off the fast in the book of Daniel. I had to read the word whenever I would normally play. By day 11 I was allowed to play games again. I played for only 30 minutes! I got bored. I had started taking my faith very seriously for the first time. I had desire for God’s word which I had never really had before. The Lord used those friends of mine to wake me up Spiritually. I am very grateful for them.
I met my wife Shailynne at Calvary in 2014. We got married in 2020. Our daughter Abby was born in February 2023. I started on staff with Calvary Chapel in January 2024”

Steve Austin
Adult Discipleship Director
Email: steveaustin@ccfluvanna.com
About Steve
Steve, a graduate of Virginia Tech, was a structural R&D engineer for the Navy for a number of years before trusting Christ at the age of 27. In a matter of months God called Steve to quit his job as an engineer and go into full-time ministry. After graduating from Capital Bible Seminary, God then called Steve to begin the ministry of the Chantilly Bible Church in Northern Virginia where he was the lead pastor for more than 37 years. In 2013, Steve and Shirley, his wife of almost 55 years and the mother of their two grown sons, moved to family land in Palmyra and first attended CCF soon after. These visits were cut short during Shirley’s prolonged terminal illness. Beginning in 2021 God gave Steve the privilege of ministering to his new church family.

Heather Saylor
Youth Ministry Assistant
About Heather
Heather has been a part of the CCF family since 2006. She has enjoyed being involved in many aspects of church life, especially women’s Bible studies and fellowship. She is a mom of 4 and has enjoyed the homeschool journey for the last 14 years. Her two greatest joys are “hearing that her children are walking in the truth,” and community with the body of Christ. She is excited to use her passion for the Word of God and fellowship to serve the youth.

Ashlyn Saylor
Head of Clean Team, AV Ministry Assistant
Email: ashlyn@ccfluvanna.com
About Ashlyn
Ashlyn has been a member of Calvary Chapel Fluvanna since she was one year old. Her mom Heather Saylor brought her and her family while the church was still at the old high school. Ashlyn was baptized at five years old but was later rebaptized, rededicating her life to Jesus in 2022.
Ashlyn was homeschooled for all her school aged life so the church was one of her only outlets as a kid. As she got into middle school she became very introverted, quiet, and shy and one of her only reasons for going to church was to see the few friends she had. But as she got older, she got hungry for the Word and wanted more than to just go to church for her friends. So, in 2020, she began volunteering for the church's clean team. After that step of faith she has been excitedly growing and serving anywhere she can. She was hired as an AV Ministry intern in 2021 and in 2022 she officially joined the staff at Calvary Chapel Fluvanna.
Now, alongside AV Ministry, she is head of the clean team, helps to lead the girls bible study, and serves anywhere that's needed. God has completely changed Ashlyn's life from a shy, introverted, kid to an outgoing young adult that continues to grow in confidence and in her walk with the Lord every day.
Philippians 4:6-7
Ashlyn was homeschooled for all her school aged life so the church was one of her only outlets as a kid. As she got into middle school she became very introverted, quiet, and shy and one of her only reasons for going to church was to see the few friends she had. But as she got older, she got hungry for the Word and wanted more than to just go to church for her friends. So, in 2020, she began volunteering for the church's clean team. After that step of faith she has been excitedly growing and serving anywhere she can. She was hired as an AV Ministry intern in 2021 and in 2022 she officially joined the staff at Calvary Chapel Fluvanna.
Now, alongside AV Ministry, she is head of the clean team, helps to lead the girls bible study, and serves anywhere that's needed. God has completely changed Ashlyn's life from a shy, introverted, kid to an outgoing young adult that continues to grow in confidence and in her walk with the Lord every day.
Philippians 4:6-7

Karen Miller
Children's Ministry Co-Director
Email: kmiller0607@gmail.com
About Karen
Karen Miller is a wife to Brian and a mother to four kiddos (Sierra, Chyler, Ariella, and Mason). Karen came to know Christ as a freshman at JMU when she became involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and learned what it looked like to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Karen became a young widow in June 2006 when her late husband passed away from brain cancer; shortly after, the Lord led her to Regent University where she earned her bachelor’s degree and Virginia state teaching certificate and grew more deeply in her faith.
Karen & Brian were married in 2007 and have been attending Calvary Chapel Fluvanna since 2011. Karen started serving in children’s ministry in 2012 and has served in multiple areas since. She joined the CCF staff in September 2023. Karen enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and live music. Karen also teaches at the CCF Homeschool Co-op, homeschools her own 4 children, and helps her husband run their family business.
Karen became a young widow in June 2006 when her late husband passed away from brain cancer; shortly after, the Lord led her to Regent University where she earned her bachelor’s degree and Virginia state teaching certificate and grew more deeply in her faith.
Karen & Brian were married in 2007 and have been attending Calvary Chapel Fluvanna since 2011. Karen started serving in children’s ministry in 2012 and has served in multiple areas since. She joined the CCF staff in September 2023. Karen enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and live music. Karen also teaches at the CCF Homeschool Co-op, homeschools her own 4 children, and helps her husband run their family business.

Chris Callahan
Worship Ministry Assistant