How can I begin to communicate the essence and heart of Calvary Chapel Fluvanna (CCF) to you? Words fail to express what I think you will only understand by experience! But let me try to explain just a little about the nature of this church family.
Maybe you should know that I didn’t graduate from seminary and never intended to be a pastor. A radio broadcast from a church called Calvary Chapel introduced me to a unique verse-by-verse Biblical teaching style. It was clear, simple, and made so much sense! Why doesn’t every church do this? I wanted others to experience the love for God that was growing in me from understanding His Word.
Using that same teaching style, I began a Bible study that eventually became CCF. We were small in number and lacked many of the expected luxuries of church today. Yet, people were overlooking what we didn’t have, and coming for what we did have – a fruitful and “common sense” approach to God’s Word that kindled a hunger for more. Many things have changed since then, but the teaching style is still the same. People continue to come to hear the Word of God taught simply, verse-by-verse, and chapter-by chapter.
And come they have since we started in 2003. Hurting people that have experienced loneliness, dysfunction, incarceration, addiction, and abuse have found love and friendship. People from differing denominational backgrounds have found common ground in God’s Word. You might see teenagers and adults leading worship together, youth participating in a multi-ethnic choir, and the “well off” sharing fellowship with the homeless. There is a refreshing and healthy diversity at CCF that is just not found in every church today.
I don’t believe this diversity is accidental. It is produced by “grace.” Grace invites us to be honest about our “baggage,” embrace people who are different, and let God’s Word change our lives. It is hard to define, but you would never want to go without it once you have experienced it. Grace and truth have worked together to make CCF a special place.
We have our weaknesses like every other church, but I can honestly say that I thank God daily for this church in my life and the life of my family. I am not sure what you are searching for in a church, but if you like what you see here, then maybe your search is over. Welcome home.
Maybe you should know that I didn’t graduate from seminary and never intended to be a pastor. A radio broadcast from a church called Calvary Chapel introduced me to a unique verse-by-verse Biblical teaching style. It was clear, simple, and made so much sense! Why doesn’t every church do this? I wanted others to experience the love for God that was growing in me from understanding His Word.
Using that same teaching style, I began a Bible study that eventually became CCF. We were small in number and lacked many of the expected luxuries of church today. Yet, people were overlooking what we didn’t have, and coming for what we did have – a fruitful and “common sense” approach to God’s Word that kindled a hunger for more. Many things have changed since then, but the teaching style is still the same. People continue to come to hear the Word of God taught simply, verse-by-verse, and chapter-by chapter.
And come they have since we started in 2003. Hurting people that have experienced loneliness, dysfunction, incarceration, addiction, and abuse have found love and friendship. People from differing denominational backgrounds have found common ground in God’s Word. You might see teenagers and adults leading worship together, youth participating in a multi-ethnic choir, and the “well off” sharing fellowship with the homeless. There is a refreshing and healthy diversity at CCF that is just not found in every church today.
I don’t believe this diversity is accidental. It is produced by “grace.” Grace invites us to be honest about our “baggage,” embrace people who are different, and let God’s Word change our lives. It is hard to define, but you would never want to go without it once you have experienced it. Grace and truth have worked together to make CCF a special place.
We have our weaknesses like every other church, but I can honestly say that I thank God daily for this church in my life and the life of my family. I am not sure what you are searching for in a church, but if you like what you see here, then maybe your search is over. Welcome home.
Steve Feden, Lead Pastor

This is just our preference. Our hope is that you will choose to support the ministry of CCF by joyfully and willingly placing your offering in one of the boxes located in the back of the Sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall. You can also give online through our app and website.
We have come to enjoy a very systematic, verse-by-verse approach to the Bible. There is nothing wrong with topical sermons, but we have experienced tremendous growth and understanding from a dedicated study of the entire Bible in a clear and straight-forward manner.
Yes, and we thank God for the freedom to do so! But don’t be fooled. Our casual clothing does not mean we take our approach to God casually. We believe God is more concerned with what is on the inside. Please feel free to wear whatever is comfortable and modest.
We usually celebrate communion at least once a month. Anyone who is a follower of Jesus is welcome to participate. After the service you may notice the surprising sound of breaking communion cups. It's a tradition we started years ago and symbolizes how life in Jesus has broken the power of sin in our lives.
We practice “believers’ baptism,” which means that a person receives baptism (Matthew 28:19) when they profess a personal faith in Jesus. Parents can help determine their child’s readiness for baptism as their child begins to ask about it. Baptism services are held as the need arises. Instead of infant baptism, we offer parents the option of “baby dedications.”
CCF is an “elder-led” church. The congregation does not vote on church decisions, nor does the lead pastor call the shots. The elders of the church (spiritual men who have longstanding relationships with God and have demonstrated integrity over years of service) are responsible for guiding the life of the fellowship. These leaders take seriously their accountability to God and to the church as a whole. Although you may not have a vote, the pastors, elders, and ministry leaders do encourage your input – your ideas, concerns, and encouragements. We can arrange a time, perhaps over coffee or lunch, to hear what’s on your heart.
We do not practice church membership and we will never ask you to "join" Calvary Chapel. The church is a family to which you belong when you are “born again” as a believer. The most important thing is that your name is written in the Book of Life (Revelation 3:5) and that you are a “citizen of heaven” (Philippians 3:20). However, we believe it is very important to take an active role in our congregation for the strengthening of your spiritual life. The Spirit of God moves us to be in fellowship in order to both give and receive. We also have an online church directory available for those who would like to keep in touch with their fellow brothers and sisters.
To learn more about what we believe, you may want to:
- Visit our What We Believe page.
- Meet with Pastor Steve or one of our elders.
- Get to know us! As you do, you will see what we believe by the way we live.