2 Timothy 4:1-5
"Keep Calm and Carry On" - 2 Tim 4:1-5
As we enter the home stretch of 2 Timothy, we join the Apostle Paul as he has entered the home stretch of his own race -- his life and ministry.
Looking at the first eight verses of Ch 4 will present us with some good and challenging questions. I have been telling you all along that these are the final words of the Apostle Paul, and that he expected to die soon. Paul is in a prison from which death will be his escape.
We also continue our discussion of how to live in a world with increasing deception and the effects of increasing levels of self centered narcissism. What is a church to do? What is a pastor to do? How can we best approach the dangerous and fierce world we live in? Paul tells Timothy precisely that! "But you, Timothy....."
This passage is an incredible encouragement to me, and I know it will be to you as well. How is Timothy supposed to "Keep Calm" and with what is he supposed to "Carry On"? That, my friends, is what we will discuss, so...
...Keep Calm and View and See