Colossians 1:1-8
Colossians, like all of Paul's letters, is filled with incredible truth. Colossians 1:27 is a favorite - "Christ in you, the hope of glory." But what about the title of our study? Check out chapter 2. You can't help but notice key words like "deceive" and "cheat". Throw in being "judged" and you get the gist. Something is rotten, or potentially rotten, in Mudville. The Colossians are in danger of being spiritually scammed!
Scams are infuriating. Scammers play on your good nature and näivete, using subtlety and trickery to steal from you. It's maddening enough when it's financial. Imagine how much worse when the scam is spiritual.
If you want to know the truth so you can spot spiritual scams, then Colossians is the study for you! We will kick it off with the first eight verses [Lord willing] tomorrow morning. If you want to be sure to squeeze in some fellowship before the snow, then
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