Titus 3:8-15

Oct 15, 2023    Pastor Steve Feden

"Un.........?" - Titus 3:8-15

"Un". Two little letters that un-do everything that comes after them. The prefix represents the word "not", looking at the opposite situation of the one attached to the "un". In other words, life can be un-fair -- not fair. A project can be left un-done -- not done. And when you wonder where this teaser is going, you might be un-certain, thinking your pastor is un-stable!

Many years ago [1968 to be exact], to separate itself from Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola, 7-up used this prefix effectively in an oppositional ad campaign. Do you remember? 7-up was the ...

Yes, I am going to leave you hanging on that one as I remind you that we wrap up Titus tomorrow. The closing verses serve as a summary of the whole letter. Good teaching = healthy faith = productive living. Bad teaching = damaging beliefs = un-productive living!

Maybe "un" worked for 7-up, but it does not work for the church. We have one life, one day at a time. What a gift - not to be wasted. We have limited time and energy and how we spend it is crucial to the quality of our lives.

What does Paul have to say to the church about being "un"? Tomorrow we will open our Bibles and un-cover the truth together!

...VIEW and SEE!
