Titus 1:1-4
"You've Gotta See This!" - Titus 1:1-4
In this teaching, we take our first steps into Paul's letter to Titus, another member of his ministry team. This is a short letter...only 3 chapters.
Unlike 2 Timothy, this letter was written between Pauls' stints in prison, probably in the early 60s. Titus was on the well-known island of Crete, tasked with straightening things out". It seems there is a local influence of legalistic teachers "whose mouths must be stopped".
There is a clear theme, or thread, woven throughout the letter. You can read the letter pretty quickly and skim it even faster. Maybe, if you read through it a few times, you will see what is on Paul's mind!
My title gives you a little bit of a hint in the right direction, but the repeated words make it obvious! All I can tell you is that, once you know something -- once you see it -- it changes everything!
My usual invitation seems infinitely appropriate as I invite you to...
...COME and SEE!