Titus 2:11-15

Oct 1, 2023    Pastor Steve Feden

"Learning to Say......." - Titus 2:11-15

We will look at a small section that really serves as the central point of everything that Paul is trying to say! Why should men behave a certain way? Why should women behave a certain way? Why should employees be trustworthy?

For everything we do, there is a reason we do it, even if we don't quite understand that reason! Many of us on the CCF staff have learned the truth behind the phrase, "There is something that makes that make sense." If you have ever said of somebody else, "What were they thinking?", then you understand. The action or decision makes no sense to you, but if you knew what was behind their motivation, it would make perfect sense. It wouldn't necessarily be good or right, but it would make sense.

Coming to Titus 2:11-15, there is something that makes our lives and decisions as Christians make sense. Let's face it, loving enemies, turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, returning good for evil.....to the world these things don't make sense! But they are part of the way God's people live....or at least can live, and should live.

To live this life, there is something important we have to learn to say. It ranks among the hardest of things to say, but saying it is the key to actually living as one of God's special people.

What is it? Why is it so hard? Why is it so important? For that you have to......

.....VIEW and SEE!