Ephesians 2:1-10
Hey Everyone!
All the talk I hear reflects a a general sigh of relief that 2020 will be ending. With the turn of the page of the calendar, we get a fresh start and a new beginning....or do we?
I don't want to be a "Debbie downer", but nothing miraculous happens at midnight on Thursday. Little virus molecules don't know it's a new year. Satan doesn't say, "Oh, it's a new year! Maybe I'll give the world a break this year." Let's be honest. Does anything really change other than remembering to write 2021 on the checks we write, for those of us dinosaurs that even use checks anymore!
Do you want to learn why things are the way they are in life and the world? Do you want to see what keeps things going in the same direction? Are you interested in change that can start anytime and last longer than your New Years' resolution?
We will crack open Ephesians 2 and work our way through some of the most psychologically powerful truth ever recorded. I am not very excited about the calendar. Circumstances may change a bit, but people will generally do the same things they did last year with the same results.
However.....change is possible, and for many people it is urgent! I am very excited about see people become the functionally beautiful human beings they were meant to be!!
"Pastor.....how does that happen? What does it look like?" You know I am not going to tell you now. You will have to.....