Ephesians 4:11-16
Last time our time flew by so tonight is "part 2" of what we began. Now that we know what we know about the spiritual blessings from the Father, Son, and Spirit, we are simply asked to "walk worthy" of what we have been given.
This week we will talk about growing up. The term now is "adulting", and it recognizes that there is a time to cross a threshold and start taking responsibility for more mature activities in life. Paul has this in mind for the church.
Do you realize what it takes for a human being to grow physically? Can you imagine the coordination it takes for all of your organs to function and grow together until you reach adulthood? Even your eyes have to grow from the time you are born. We see the growth on the outside, but rarely do we consider all of the internal organs that also have to grow, like the heart and lungs.
Healthy bodies grow in unity as each part contributes to the body. Unfortunately, many "members" of the church "body" feel they have nothing to contribute to the rest of the body and never take time to learn spiritually. Many are very active building worldly things, but think little of their participation in the growth of the church. This leaves Jesus' body malformed and immature. What is your role? Do you even have one? Is "ministry" only for people with seminary degrees?
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