Ephesians 1:7-14

Dec 2, 2020    Pastor Steve Feden

What does "relationship with God" really look like? I mean, we talk about the fact that Christianity is a "relationship" and not "religion", but what is the real difference? Doesn't Christianity often feel like religion? Obey the commands, do this, don't do that, and so on.

I am fully convinced that Ephesians is a "relationship guide". The first chapter is filled with the foundational blocks of relationship with God as HE designed it to be. If we can comprehend Ephesians 1, it will forever impact our understanding of what relationships are supposed to be, and what the basic building blocks of healthy relationships are!

Last week we saw the Father's plan. This week we will how the Son (Jesus) participates and how the Spirit participates!

View and see!
