Ephesians 2:11-22
"Why can't we all just get along?" Isn't that the question of the day....or year...or century...or history! As the picture above illustrates, people naturally put up walls that separate them from others. We are experiencing walls of race, political party, economics, gender, and others! Trust me when I say there has been no higher or thicker wall in history than the wall between the Jews and the rest of the world!
Last week we learned that we are not responsible for "creating ourselves" by looking inward and trusting our feelings or imagined identity. Unredeemed humanity create religions and pursue goals and dreams and ambitions all based on being driven by fleshy desires and imaginations! Relative to God and truth, everyone starts out dead, dead, dead!
But God makes us alive in Christ, and restores to our lives the meaning and purpose they were meant to have in relationship with our heavenly Father. We get a new life and new desires and new hopes and a new future. This is true for every human, whether Jew or non-Jew!
God does something more miraculous. In Jesus, He tears down walls of hostility and tribalism and racism and hatred and cultural superiority while becoming the bridge between people. God makes us alive, but doesn't leave us isolated! He joins us to other living people from every ethnic group to form a new community, a new family, and a living house of worship!
Is it possible to have peace on earth? Goodwill? If so, where is it? What's the problem? If not, is there any hope? Tonight I believe God will answer some of these questions! If God can bring together Jew and Gentile, there is no gap that He can't bridge.
View and see!