James 3:1-12
"Free Speech??" - James 3:1-12
There is, and has been, no lack of discussion about our "first amendment rights".
Among other things, it is meant to protect a person's right to express themselves, and their opinions, without fear of punishment or retaliation from the government. Or something like that...
In the context of the power and prestige that can accompany the influence of teaching, James has something to say about freedom of speech as well.
While there is a measure of free speech granted by the government, James wants us to have a heavenly perspective. We may have the "right" to say something, but should we? What dangers accompany our words?
What are the consequences when a person's speech is without control? What does the use of language say about the person who "has no filter"?
In another simple and profound passage, with lots of compelling illustrations, James reminds us that the way we use our mouth is the real measure of maturity.
Have you been too careless with your words? Have you said things you wish you could take back? Can words really be that important?