James 2:14-26

Feb 9, 2025    Pastor Steve Feden

"Is My Faith Working?" - James 2:14-26

What continues to hang around the house, even if it has stopped working? The batteries have died, the thing has broken, and it no longer works. Yet...there it remains.

I don't know how many little tiny flashlights I have that just need new batteries. They hang on a hook, dead, and I don't think about it, until.....i need to go out and night. When I grab it and press the button, what happens? Nothing! Why? They are dead.

James is putting his finger on the pulse of the life of faith....real faith. He demands that real faith goes past merely the intellectual and theological. It works, unlike my flashlight which doesn't perform as it was designed to.

As we have come to expect from James, this next section is direct, honest, & convicting. So many people falsely believe they are going to heaven based on knowing some information. But James wants us to know that just "saying" we believe does not mean we really do!

Is my faith working? Are the demons better than me? Wait....what? You can't miss this essential lesson. Is my faith working? I dunno.....so,

