2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
"Because God...." - 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
As much as we like to be "self reliant", and "self sufficient", in reality there are usually many, many things that have enabled us to get where we are. If nothing else, being born in the USA has given you huge advantages in life. Maybe you had parents or coaches that sacrificed for you. Maybe a spouse carried some of the load so you could pursue a dream job or higher education. Has someone given you a push when you really needed it?
After discussing the vulnerability and fate of those who were inhospitable toward truth, Paul gives thanks for the Thessalonian believers. Their hardships have not deterred them from growing in faith and love! That is a "God-thing" for sure! Like a seed in shallow soil, a person without strong conviction would certainly cave at the first inconvenient opposition. But not these people. Not this church.
Now Paul gives thanks for them. He moves beyond their great strength and their determination to see what lies behind it. Their lives and eternities will be different.....because God! It's a question I ponder often in my heart. "Where would I be without God?" "What would my life be like today if He never showed up powerfully for me in 1994. As Paul thanks God for them, he also encourages them in doing it.
Their lives, and your life, are not typical. And "because God", things are different now and forever. The realities that Paul is expressing are meant to bring us all a great amount of courage and comfort as we press ahead with living in a world that is no our home. I hope that the reading and considering of God will increase your capacity for gratitude! If you are struggling with discouragement and discomfort, then you need some good gospel medicine, "because God"! Just what did God do??
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