2 Thessalonians 2:1-8

Aug 28, 2022    Pastor Steve Feden

"The Power of Disinformation" - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8

The words "misinformation" and "disinformation" are very familiar to us. The internet is filled with information that has to be carefully considered before it is accepted. Why? Because what you believe affects you deeply, even to the point of producing difficult and troubling thoughts and emotions!

Misinformation and disinformation are nothing new. Hard to believe? It shouldn't be. People are still the same, no matter what century or millennium they were born in. Religiously deceptive people, false teachers, and Godless leaders have always been at work. Paul calls this the "mystery of lawlessness", and it culminates in one figure we have come to know as "the Antichrist".

This next section is filled with "not-so-easy to understand" information about the Second Coming of Jesus. Paul had taught them about these things, but new [and false] information has entered the picture, so Paul has to set the record straight. Although there is no lack of interpretive challenges in the verses we will look at, the basic purpose is still the same.

What is the purpose of this chapter? What effect is the disinformation having on the Thessalonian believers? What lies were they believing? How does Paul set the record straight? Oh my! Filled with puzzling and important information about things that have yet to come, you just have to.....

.....View and See!!!!!
