Revelation 3:14-22
Finally we will finish chapter 3 of Revelation with Jesus' letter to the church of Laodicea -- otherwise known as the "lukewarm church". This church's claim to fame is that they made Jesus want to vomit. Yuk....I know. But it's true!
Vomiting is a God given response to something toxic to the body. When poison is ingested, our body mounts a purging response to get rid of the danger. Nausea is a terrible feeling, but important to the body. What could possible make Jesus react this way?
The church in Laodicea demonstrates the challenge of living in an affluent situation, and wanting to maintain that status. This is the story of the church in Laodicea. I'll give you the detailed background on Sunday, but you can be sure that they were careful not to ruffle any feathers in their city. They remained neutral, apathetic, moderate and uncommitted to Jesus. They were committed to their own prosperity, it seems.
To be "boiling" or "frozen" express full commitment to hot or cold. Both of these are useful in their own way. On a cold snowy day, do you really want "lukewarm chocolate" after playing with the kids in the snow? When I was growing up, no one would have been interested in "lukewarm milk" and an oreo cookie! No, no. It has to be ice cold -- that is refreshing.
Tomorrow we will take our own spiritual temperature and ask the hard question. "Am I a lukewarm Christian?" Maybe you could ask a few people you know to help answer the question...."Do you see me as a lukewarm Christian?"
If the answer is "yes", all is not lost. Jesus gives advice to the "lukewarm". How does Jesus feel about this church?" What is his advice to them? What is his offer? Oh there is too much to tell in this small space. You will have to.....
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