Job 38-39

Aug 7, 2024    Pastor Steve Feden

"Cross Examination" - Job 38-39

Warning, it's all God as we enter Ch's 38-39. This is the moment we have all been waiting for.

Or is it?

As the storm approaches Job and his counselors, God Himself speaks to Job. I am certain he can clear all of this mess up quickly. "Listen Job, there is this being, Satan, and he has been eyeing you up. He said you only serve me because I am good to you. I defended you, but he didn't believe me.....yada,yada, yada."

To that Job would say, "Oh, why didn't you say so! I feel much better about all of my kids dying now. I knew I was innocent." If only it was that easy....

Instead, God cross examines Job with a battery of questions to test Job's understanding of his own ability to understand or manage the things he/we take for granted.

Is God competent to run the Universe that He created? Can He care for His creation or does He depend on human intervention to help him out? Can God be trusted with my life? God makes his case by making Job doubt his doubts by questioning.

Spoiler alert: If you listen, and you should, expect to be overwhelmed by large doses of awe and humility. You might leave a little less opinionated than when you started this message. Just saying.

So, ....View and See....
