Revelation 17

Sep 15, 2021    Pastor Steve Feden

Boy, do we have our work cut out for us! Revelation 17 and 18 go hand in hand and relate to us some very big and very important truths. These truths are not just for the future and not just for academic purposes. The curtain of life on Earth is drawn back and what lies behind it is utterly startling.

Almost everyone would agree that whatever God does, Satan offers an imitation. Mankind has dreamed and created a reality that writes God out of the picture. To many God is dead and was just an unnecessary myth in the first place.

From very early on in human history, man has developed religion, government, education, commerce, and health care -- all without the presence or influence of God. Is it any wonder that we see all of these systems as broken failures? There might be some small successes her and there, but man's systems have failed to offer any real hope or meaning. Solomon said it best when he said, "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity."

The focus of the study tonight is the ultimate demise of the corrupt religious system of the world as it culminates in the last days of history. Whatever is bad now will just get worse and that is true of man centered and man devised religion. This is symbolized the introduction of a "harlot", or a woman who is riding a beast.

Who is the beast? Who is the harlot? What does this mean for me?

....View and see!