John 13
"Breaking Bread...and Something Else" - John 13
I will be taking advantage of the timing and our pause between books of the Bible to step into the gospel of John and prepare us for communion. I have been inescapably drawn to John 13.
What one thing, if everyone lived it, would instantly change the way we experience church and family life? You said "love" didn't you. Of course that is true, but can we be more specific? Love is just too easy to say while it remaining a bit obscure. What type of expression of love?
This will be the topic of discussion for tomorrow and will extend into our "Love Feast" tomorrow night. It's so important that Jesus gives a specific example and makes sure to explain it, roughly 12 hours before he would be crucified!
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what example would you want to leave for your children or those you were mentoring? What example did Jesus leave? There was more than bread that had to be broken around the table that evening. If you want to know the details...