Saved By Baptism? - 1 Peter 3:18-22
This Sunday, we have some important business to take care of! What business is that? The business of baptism with a topical message on the subject from 1 Peter 3.
After starting with my usual questions, we will investigate one area of scripture that offers some important information on the subject of baptism, especially for those who believe that sprinkling water on a baby or dunking someone in a body of water has some spiritual power to save.
I know why some believe that. In 1 Peter 3, Peter says that baptism saves us! Yes, he really does! However, the apostle is quick to clarify what he means by that!
Why do we practice baptism? What does it do? What does it mean?
Did you know that Jesus Himself got baptized? He really did! And so do those who want to follow Him! If you want to hear more then...