James 1:19-25
HOW and WHY to READ THE BIBLE - James 1:19-25
In this new year, 2023, our vision as a church remains steadfast and unchanged. As pastor Chuck Smith has said, we are making our best effort to, "Simply teach the word of God....simply." On my end, the resolve for myself and the CCF leadership is to continue to bring to you the whole counsel of God's Word, book by book, and chapter by chapter. We are responsible to keep God's Word central. He promises to handle the results!
What about you? Any resolutions? I hope tomorrow's sermon from James will be both challenging and inspiring as you think about 2023. I hope this sermon may be used by the Spirit of God to set our direction for the coming year and maybe, for some of you, for the rest of your lives.
What is the challenge? If you want to know, you have to.....