Hebrews 12:1-4

Oct 20, 2024    Pastor Steve Feden

"Simple Secrets for Running Longer" - Heb 12:1-4

"Pastor.....I know you enjoy fitness, but is church the right place to talk about tips for distance runners? Shouldn't we be studying the Bible on Sunday?"

I couldn't agree more! And so does the author of Hebrews. But how can we discuss pushing through pain and enduring without some kind of useful illustration?

Moving from all of the "faith-heroes" of chapter 11, we bridge the gap to....US! In Hebrews 12:1-4 our author use a picture of the ancient Greek Olympic games to encourage his readers, and us.

I think you know that the Christian life is not a sprint, but a marathon. In that case, there are some very simple, but highly useful, tips to get you across the finish line.

Let's be honest. The race of life is tough enough. Being a Christian adds a new dimension of challenge. Why would we want to make it harder for ourselves?

How do the heroes of Chapter 11 help us? What can help me to be more successful? If you are struggling along and not having the success you would like, I think this packed passage will challenge and encourage you, if you.... (Wait for it".) ...

...VIEW and SEE!!!
