Hebrews 8:1-13

May 26, 2024    Pastor Steve Feden

"Out with the old...." - Heb 8:1-13

Is it hard for you to throw things out? Are you a bit of a hoarder? Are there broken things around because you just can't let go of them?

Or do you love garbage day? That feeling of getting rid of old, broken stuff and watching it disappear. Then you can make room for something new that functions better, is updated, or more useful.

On this memorial day weekend, we will look into Hebrews 8 and "the new covenant". This is what Jesus spoke of during the last supper when He said, "This is My blood of the New Covenant."

Our author gets his theology from Jeremiah 31. At the time when the Jews were experiencing the covenant breaking consequences of Babylonian exile, God tells them what His long range plan to be merciful and forgive them. But he doesn't mention how he will do it.

What is the New Covenant? What was wrong with the old one? Why does it matter? How does God work it out to bless His people? Great truth awaits those who choose to....

....COME and SEE
