Mary - For Such a Time as This - Luke 1:26-38
"For Such a Time as This -- Mary" - Luke 1:26-38
As part of the continuing story, we will take a look at Mary and her turning point as we are thinking about the Christmas story.
For Joseph, the turning point that allowed God to use him for the special role of "fathering" Jesus, was his willingness to stay with Mary despite the social and cultural challenges, and the confusion.
For Joseph, his obedience involved sacrifice -- multiple moves to protect the Son of God, gossip, loss of reputation in the community.
Mary's story is a little different. Her obedience involves all of the same sacrificial things, but she must go a step further. It is total commitment of her will and....her body! Is that just for Mary? Maybe that is for women in general? Certainly not for men, though, right?
Of course no one can replicate what God did in using the young virgin, Mary, to birth Jesus. But, there is much in scripture about our bodies, and Romans 12:1-2 is just one example!
Did I mention that Luke 1:27 is one of those verses I never tire of reflecting on or encouraging others with? Did I mention that I get a chance to tell the story of the chicken and the pig? Why is that verse encouraging? What does this have to do with a chicken and a pig? Hahaha!!! You have to...