Pre-Recorded - "Comfort and Joy" Concert - from December 11th. 2021 @ 7:00 PM

Dec 12, 2021    CCF Choir

Dear CCF Friends and Family...

One of our choir members tested positive for Covid.

The CCF elders and choir value the trust of our church and community and feel the responsible and safe thing to do is to cancel the Dec 12th Concert.

HOWEVER.....we do have a recorded video of the Saturday Night concert that will be aired tonight instead of the Livestream, so you can still see and hear the concert.

Note: This is a technical recording recorded 12/11/21 to prep for tonight's canceled performance so there will be some glitches that are working adjustments.

Please accept our deepest apologies and communicate the cancellation to friends or neighbors outside of CCF that might have considered coming. This was a very hard decision, but given the holidays are upon us, we felt comfortable not pushing things.

Settle in with hot chocolate and your laptop and enjoy the concert from home.

Be in Peace!

Steve and the CCF elders.