Ezra 1-2

Nov 8, 2023    Pastor Steve Feden

"Starting Over" - Ezra 1-2

How do you feel about starting over? Depending on the situation, it can be attached to either positive or negative feelings. Personally, I like starting something new but I really dislike starting over. It means I have the first round didn't go well. I guess that is what motivates me me to be so careful with what I have! I don't like starting over, but sometimes it is a opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past. This time will be different...or will it?

The Book of Ezra is one of the "Post-captivity" history books. Israel is opening a new chapter following the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple and seventy years of captivity. The prophets Haggai and Zechariah also figure into the time in history.

Based on some utterly stunning biblical prophecy and the crossing of the paths of powerful men, God makes a way to open the door for the captives to go home. Granted, their home is in shambles, but it is still home nonetheless.

Tonight we will discuss the introduction to Ezra [and Nehemiah] and look at the first two chapters with their history and prophecy. As we study, we will meet the pioneering people who are moved to start over, and see the challenges that are faced when we do.

Have you ever needed to start over? Is the past is a mangled mess of memories and pain? Is God giving you a chance to start over and do things differently? Are you hesitant? Nervous? Uncertain? If you want to see the practical challenges to rebuilding, then...