Philemon 1-25

Oct 22, 2023    Pastor Steve Feden

"Two Friends, a Slave, and....the Gospel." - Philemon 1-25

"Once upon a time, there were two friends." That is the stuff of fairytales. But it is also the stuff of real and everyday life and relationships.

When is the last time you read the little overlooked, one chapter book of Philemon? When is the last time you heard a sermon preached from Philemon? If you have been at Calvary Chapel for some time, it would have been about ten or twelve years ago!

Well, here we are again! It is sad that this little and very personal gem gets so little attention. As we read Philemon's mail -- a letter from Paul -- we get some incredible insights into the friendships of the Apostle, and how he conducted himself. And the lesson are very important.

Our story of two friends and a situation they share provides the opportunity for Philemon to see how "gospel truth" invades daily life. What does it look like to see life through the lens of "the gospel"? What does that even mean? How does that impact daily decisions and relationships?

If you want to hear the story of two friends, a slave, and the gospel, and you want to know how the story ends....then....

....VIEW and SEE!
