Galatians 4:12-20

May 3, 2020    Pastor Steve Feden

Let's be honest. There are times when we read the Bible and we say, "I wish I had a little more information!" Well, this study in Gal 4:12-20 may just be one of those times!

As Paul does, he has been "bringing the heat" and communicating his concern for the future of the people in Galatia. After having heard and embracing the grace of god, they are being brainwashed and trading the slavery of paganism for the slavery of legalism! In v 11, Paul is afraid that all of his hard work would have been for nothing if they effectively convert to Judaism from Christ!

This next section is a little pause to get personal. Paul is not just a theologian. He is a pastor with a huge and loving heart! He is not distant, aloof, or superficial. He is personable, transparent, and genuine as the day is long.

Now the part we wish we had more info about! Paul takes them back to when he first came to their region to share the news of Christ. He makes reference to the weakness of his body and what a trial that was for him. Was that a physical illness? Some say, NO! Was it an eye disease? Others say, YES! We know they understood the references perfectly, but they are a little obscure for us 2000 years later.

But don't you worry! There is plenty for us to discuss that we can be sure about!

