Daniel 9:1-19

Sep 27, 2020    Pastor Steve Feden

Hey Church family...

If you are like me (and I assume you are) we are all trying to make good decisions in a complex time. To make good decisions about life, we need information, and we are certainly inundated with information, right? There are "authoritative" voices on both sides of the election, and on both sides of pandemic management. The confusing thing is that both voices speak with authority and suggest a clear -- although opposing -- direction. Who should we believe? This may be more complicated than meets the eye.....

Spiritual life is no different. There are authoritative voices that can say opposing things about God's plan and purposes. If you were hopeful spiritual things would be more clear, sorry to disappoint. There are prophets.....and false prophets. There are teachers.....and false teachers. There are sheep.....and wolves dressed up as sheep. There are spiritual experiences and dreams and visions, and...well...

Daniel 9 opens for us a window to sit and listen and watch a man of God pray. That is the content of Daniel 9:1-19. But how does Daniel know WHAT to pray for? How does he know HOW to pray and to what end? What informs his prayers? What if your prayer is motivated by the wrong information? What if the sermon you heard was exciting......but wrong? GOD'S WILL DOES NOT ALWAYS FIT NEATLY INTO OUR PLAN OR OPINION.

Should I give you a spoiler? Naaaahhhhh! I will, however, tell you that reading Jeremiah 25-29 will give some real background to what we will read in Daniel 9. Grab your Bible and, at a minimum, read Jeremiah 25 and 29 and you will be a step ahead of the game!

